How It Works

What are meal credits?

  • 1 Credit = 1 Meal.
  • Purchase meal credits ahead of time and save money!
  • Save up to 25% by purchasing credits ahead of time for the entire month.
  • Save up to an additional 10% by subscribing to meal plans (to receive meal credits) on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly bases.

When are meals served?

  • Twice per day (breakfast and lunch)
  • 5 days per week (Monday through Friday)

What type of food is served

  • Each day we will have a new menu
  • Each meal includes a protein, a starch or grain, and a vegetable/ fruit.
  • Our monthly menu schedule can be found by clicking here.

Can I use multiple credits in a single day?

  • If you would like multiple meals, you can use as many credits in one day as you would like.

Do meal credits expire?

  • Meal credit are valid for 1 year after the date of purchase.
  • You can use them at any time during that year.

Are vegetarian options available?

Yes, everyday there will be a vegetarian protein option for both breakfast and lunch.

Need Help Paying for Food?

Every Student Deserves To Eat Great Food. Need Financial Help Affording Food, Speak With Our "Emergency Student Fund" To Qualify for Free Meal Credits.